May Half Term Round-up!

Patricia, our Senior Youth Worker, and Gemma, our Youth and Community Worker, share what our members got up to during half term

What a fabulous half term!

We had lots of fun building friendships, exploring different activities in the Club and also the outdoors.

We started the week off with Toast & Jam, which we are delighted to have received funding for from the National Lottery through Arts Council England to deliver this music project.

With our partners Rock Hard Studios, we are supporting our Junior members who are continuing to gain recording and production skills in school holidays.

We are so excited to bring their skills together preparing for their performance and album in October this year.

They are growing in confidence and sounding really good!

We took some of our older Juniors to Ascent Trampoline Park.

We had so much fun bouncing, playing dodgeball, caving in the dark, and tackling the assault course. They even persuaded Gemma to attempt a forward flip!

The young people gave it their all, had an amazing time and jumped ‘til they dropped – the bus journey home was a lot quieter than the way there!

We also adventured out to the wilderness with our youngest members in Year 3&4. We enjoyed the tranquil, green space, free from all cars and technology. For many of them it was the first time they had ever stayed away from home.

Residential is always a great escape, being free to roam and enjoy the peace and freedom of the fields. We had so much fun with welly wanging, BBQs, nature, games, arts, pyjama walks, late night snacks, and lots of running around in the beautiful sunshine!

Some of our Seniors explored foot golf and had a go on the driving range! It was brilliant – once we got the hang of it, anyway. Jordan shared his skills and did a mini lesson on golf and how to swing. Many of us managed to get the golf ball at least 100 yards!

We also had our regular Club sessions this week.

We always provide a meal at every Club session. We do and try to be adventurous by getting ideas from our young people on what they like (or are brave enough to eat!) This week we had vegan curry, BBQ, hot dogs, and lots of fruit. We like being adventurous and also adding in natural ingredients.

In Juniors we made planters! We painted pallets in pink and purple paint. Our club is bright with colours, so we thought we would carry the theme on.We planted seeds that would grow the different ingredients used in our cooking, such as basil for our spag bolognese dish, coriander in our curry dishes, thyme in our cottage pies and many more herbs being grown.

Seniors had a catch up, sharing stresses from exams, and played Twister, Jenga, Scrabble, and archery. We also had arts evenings decorating t-shirts and tote bags. We helped the Juniors by watering their plants, and obviously ended up with a water fight!

Last but not least, we had a great opportunity by attending a ‘Twisted Words’ workshop.

In this project delivered through Grand Theatre Blackpool and National Literacy Trust, we got to watch the amazing ‘Unexpected Twist’ at the Grand Theatre, and we worked with the amazing Parker Book and Black Liver to create our own spoken word pieces and songs.

There were some incredible and important work, ideas and words shared by our members!

Thank you to everyone who made this half term amazing. Thank you to our amazing team, our supporters, our families and most of all the young people who put their time and effort into each day!

We can’t wait for summer for more fun and adventure!